Sunday, May 15, 2011

Firth of What Shrigley Wants


In this heart-warming tale of a man and his dog, it is confirmed that dog is, in fact, man's best friend.

Well, actually I don't think that's really what David Firth is trying to get across in this animation. You may have seen David Firth videos before, most notably Salad Fingers (possibly his worst work). His work is bizarre and off-putting to some, but I dig it.

Now, in honesty, I don't know what Firth was trying to say in this video, or if he just wanted to make a sweet animation, but I'm gonna give it a whack.

The man, he's obviously lonely. Super lonely and wallowing and crying and stuff. But, as is often the case in real life, the man does in fact have a real friend who cares about him, namely his dog. This dog, upon seeing his friend sad, tries to help by suggesting a solution. The man should get his own tumor.

This would be a fantastic idea, and the man loves it for a while. But eventually the tumor eats him up to the point where he is mostly cancerous cells. This perhaps would be an unhealthy, parasitic relationship, whether friendly or romantic, that was formed as an escape from loneliness.

Now, realizing his friend is about to destroy himself based on a suggestion that he made, the dog gives the man his body in order that the man can live. I think that this would represent the real friend sacrificing very much of himself in order to help his companion. The man realizes that he had someone the entire time, but it's too late, the dog is dead.

In the end, the man is alive the, dog is dead, and no one is really happy. So perhaps the moral to the story is "count your blessings."

Anyway, watch it.

The Patron

I don't have a whole lot of insight on this video, unlike The Patron and his post above. Anyway, David Shrigley is an artist from Scotland. This is one of a few animations he has done. Normally he puts out drawings and sculptures. His drawings are somewhat like, "scrawlings" , but they're humorous and highly entertaining. Although he mainly just makes witty doodles, he does not lack the ability to draw whatever he wants, as you can see in some cases.

Back to the video, it's pretty much just about doing what you want i suppose. It's about a little man who lives in a forest happily with his naked self. Apparently he is crazy and without his pills he is rejected by normal society. Instead of keeping up with them to fit in, he stops taking them, and moves to the forest.

So, watch the video, and check out the drawings!
The Mason

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